Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Zombie Dream

Had a dream about the zombie apocalypse the other was kinda scary...I eventually woke up and had to turn the TV on for awhile to go back to sleep.  I don't remember a ton but I was with a group of strangers and we were in a small, unfamiliar town that had a couple big warehouses that we were trying to infiltrate to live in as a safe place.  They accidentally gave me a fake, plastic gun that looked real and stuck me in a small room at night to sleep in.  But a little girl zombie was sleeping (? I guess they sleep in my dreams...) next to the small mattress and woke up.  I spent the rest of the night trying to hold her back and bash in her head with a plastic gun which obviously wasn't working.  The door was locked for safety from the outside too and nobody came to my screams until morning.  They killed the zombie girl and I went out on my own after that to try and find a safer place or town.  I ended up returning after no avail by myself and the group had only infiltrated the first floor of the two floor warehouse.  The second floor was still packed with zombies.  After that is when I basically woke up.

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