Friday, September 30, 2011

Definition of Evil

Definition of an Evil Doing:  Purposely using someone's love for you against them for your own personal benefit, with no regard to the other person.

Dedicated to anyone who has ever had their heart broken.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Write a letter to help yourself out! Try it!

I was saving this to keep for myself, but found (through personal experience and psychology classes) that writing all the things that have once hurt you (especially past loves, family problems, work problems, wrong doings, etc.) helps the mind to let go and move on, or to just make you feel better.  Write it as a letter to whoever or whatever it was. Now before all of you get the wrong idea, when I said "move on" and "let go" of these things, it doesn't always mean you were holding on to that specific person, love, or problem.  It can also mean just letting go and moving on with the feelings you had that may be dwelling with you (like stress, low self-esteem, depression, low self-confidence, anger, etc.) or to just help you feel better and learn from those things.  Normally writing their actual names and the true places, times, and problems is what works best.  Just remember DO NOT show these letters you write to the actual person(s) you may be writing about, this defeats the whole purpose and I promise you it will most likely end more badly (remember there are always 2 sides to every story, you're just telling your side).  It is always good to say something good about whatever you are writing about at the end of your letter! Let it all out, be HONEST, and then put what good you got out of it or what you learned, but make it a positive thing. And then when your what you will with it, keep it for future (if it helps you), or throw it out. It's worked for me.  I challenge everyone to try it.  I had to write one just a few days ago after I realized certain feelings were dwelling with me and had an angry outbreak. 

I dedicated this post to all the MANY, MANY girls who have told me about all the men who have hurt them and they've hurt, and self-esteem and self-confidence issues afterwards.